Thursday, August 30, 2012

lake break.

There is a sweet couple in the ward who let us come visit them at their lakehouse and swim at the lake! Dan was in dire need of a break from school so we took a couple hours and swam, jumped off the dock, and went on a couple paddle boat rides! The evening was perfect, along with the water temperature!


  1. On my blog, there is a picture of Ash & I in our matching swimsuits. Now we need to crop YOU into it because we're obviously soul sisters. Who doesn't love a black rouched one piece? YOu looks great, as always. And I love the nakey picture of Jude.

    1. you are TEH sweetest, AS ALWAYS!!! i know i saw that pictureee. please crop me in not just in the picture but in real life, time travel me back please. see you soon. :)

  2. UMMMMMMMMMMMM I LOVE NAKED JUDE!!!!! he is to DIEDIE for!!! seriously. he is the heartbreaker of ALL HEARTBREAKS!!!! oh me oh my!

    1. doesn't his little nakey body just make you want to DIE!??????!!???!!! i do ALL DAY!!!! i literally kiss his bum cheeks, no big deal.

  3. Looks like so much fun! What a beautiful setting to relax and amazing that it's only 15 miles away! Jude....I just want to squeeze that cute little bottom! You'll have to take us there when we come out. Sure love you all!

  4. You have got to frame that little photo of Jude on the towel with his little bum!!

  5. Your baby boy is just beautiful!!!
