Wednesday, January 29, 2014

it's a boy!

Old news... I know. But I am doing some serious blog catching-up right now. Because once this little boy makes his welcome into the world, I get the feeling I'm going to have plenty to blog about. Let the catching up begin!

We were soo excited to find out about our baby. I originally wanted to wait, but this time of our lives was so stressful, there was enough uncertainty already. Dan wasn't waiting and I wasn't about to have him know and me not know! So I gave in and I'm glad I did! When we found out we were having a boy, I was really relieved and happy and it took a lot of stress off not having to worry about much. I already know all about boys! And I like them! :) Dan wanted a boy bad. Like, really bad. He just dreams of going on adventures with his boys. He missed not having a brother growing up so I think this is just fun for him to have his boys now. :)

Jude really does this naturally when he rides around on Dan's shoulders. It's the funniest.


Such a sweet, little guy.
You know how when they do the ultrasound they check every part of the body before they tell you the big news?! Well, I must be an ultrasound-reading expert by now because I saw the boy parts within the first couple minutes of the ultrasound and GASPED and looked around and no one else noticed/said anything. So I just hoped I wasn't wrong about my discovery and kept watching. The ultrasound tech kept saying "he" and then "she" and then "he" and then "she." She was a tease. So when she finally did the big reveal I was really happy and relieved that my previous conclusion was correct! We love our little boy and since we know we will have more children, we just thought it would be perfect to have another boy so they could be brothers and hopefully... best of friends!! (Mom fantasy: my little boys being best friends and playing together happily for hours in the backyard)

I should probably hashtag this as #awkwardpregnancyphotos -- I'm not sure what I was doing. Sometimes you just can't not be awkward and you know you are being awkward and you just don't mind.

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