Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Abraham is ten days old. He is laying here asleep on my left arm and Jude is asleep in the next room over and has been for almost three hours. Since my mom is here, I was able to go and meet Dan for lunch. He is my partner. I'm so proud of how hard he is working in school and so much more proud of the righteous patriarch he is. I came home and put Jude to sleep while Abraham slept in his swing. Jude warmed up in a warm bath and did his usual crash-into-the-bean-bag-chair-while-all-wrapped-up-in-his-towel routine. It's his favorite. And mine! He laid on his tummy with his little hooded towel and I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged and kissed him and he giggled. I got him dressed and we read a couple stories we checked out at the library yesterday on our date. ;) We then laid together, so close, in the warmth of our handmade teepee. He turned to me and said "a kiss!" and gave me a big kiss on my lips, then my cheek, then my lips, then noseys, then ears, then eyes, then lips. We were both just giggling by the end. I love him so deeply. Every day he finds a million more ways to engrave himself deeper and deeper on my heart. I marvel a the little boy he is becoming.

I am mesmerized by this little ten pound boy of mine. He is the angel child. He sleeps all day and all night. He loves to nurse and I so appreciate it!

I have felt so much better these last couple days. I am just happy and so grateful. I know things will get crazy when my mom leaves, but I want to try to prepare now and just focus on my little family. Things will be undone and out of place and unorganized and a "mess" (as Jude always says). Babies will be crying and toddlers will be cranky and Mama will be tired and cranky, but these are special times I need to cherish.

My time is most well spent cuddling with my newborn and giggling with my toddler.

Like I've said before, we're very serious about our kisses around here!

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