Sunday, November 25, 2012

photo photo

Cell phone pictures in backwards chronological order :)

This was one of my favorite mama moments. :) He would grab my face, squeeze it, and give me a big kiss over and over again. It was perfect!

Matching hats on our Target trip with Grandma :)

We were running late for Jude's pediatrician appointment and Jude couldn't handle Grandma's crazy driving. He threw up all over himself and me. Poor thing.
Jude was such a good boy when the doctor was listening to his heart and lungs :)

He was being my little lover in Old Navy.

Stetson and Jude... best friend's babies = best friends!

Only the best for our boy

He loved walking behind his tricycle, up and down the hill and running behind it. It was some of the most fun we've ever had!

Enjoying the fire in the backyard

More fun in Target! Always trying on hats :)


  1. What cute pictures!! He's so grown up!

  2. Ok, jude is adorable. I LOVE the glasses. So cute! Um,and I know that our lives are completely consumed with little people, but I still miss "what I wore today" by rachael! I need inspiration. I'm EVERY SO SLOWLY (seriously, it's never taken this long) getting back to my normal size, and I need motivation to dress cute. Come on!!!! Do it for me! Just compile a bunch of them and then do it all at once in like a month or so, ok???
