Friday, September 19, 2014


It's one of those days where your baby wakes up at 6:15 and you just want to throw in the towel already.

It's one of those days where your toddler spills his nutritious, green smoothie that took a good 15 minutes to make all over himself, his chair, and the floor. And it's not even 8:00 am.

It's one of those days where you pass by the pile of laundry, the sink full of dishes, the unmade bed, and the bathroom that is just screaming at you to be cleaned and you kindly ask (plead with) your toddler if he can play by himself so you can please take a mini-nap while the baby sleeps.

It's one of those days where you walk by the mirror and wish you wouldn't have because well... ^^^ all of the above.

It's one of those days where you wake up to those chubby little "jowls" smiling up at 
you because he is just happy to 1) be alive and 2) be next to me.

It's one of those days where your toddler drinks everything that was left 
of his nutritious, green smoothie and almost a full plantains worth of homemade 
plantain chips with homemade fermented salsa (score!) and gulps down 
about 6 oz of homemade bone broth to wash it down. (another score!)

It's one of those days where you lay happily in your unmade 
bed and read new stories from the library with your toddler and just 
giggle together while your baby sleeps.

It's one of those days where your husband comes 
home for lunch and you hear giggling from the kitchen 
and come in the living room and see this...

It's not easy and it's not perfect, but it's mine. And I wouldn't change a thing. ;)

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