Saturday, October 5, 2013

today - [conference, humbled]

Today I feel grateful.
Today I feel blessed.
Today I feel humbled.
Today I feel special.
Today I feel loved by an omnipotent, eternal God.

I stayed up late working on my blog (what do you think?!) and waiting for the man of this house to come home from night fishing (I won't even tell you what time he got home... I'll just say it's later than the number of feet you have). Let's just say I didn't make it and have absolutely no recollection of him coming home. Anywho, off topic. I woke up to a 6:00 am phone call from a dear friend telling me she was going into labor and was wondering if I could watch her sweet little boy. I magically was filled with life, ran downstairs and literally hopped over the four-foot tall back patio wall so I wouldn't open the loud door and bother Jude (who knows).

I spent my day with two twenty-two month old boys. I watched them play. I helped them color. I tried to keep them from hurting themselves. I took Sharpies away from them. I cuddled with them. I tried to watch Conference with them. I played train and Noah's Ark with them. I changed diapers and made food and poured milk and was happy. It was a good opportunity for me to have two. I really haven't babysat another child a whole lot so it was fun. They would feed off each other and teach other new naughty things and sometimes give each other little loves of their sort. Jude's competitive side came out a little bit &he was suddenly keenly interested in answering every question I posed about what animal made what sound or where the horse was, etc. I so enjoyed my day with those two.

I only really watched 2 or 3 talks from today but it was just nice to have it on even when we weren't watching it all. When I first turned it on the boys laid by each other and got watched it intently for a few minutes. It was heavenly. I watched President Monson's talk and Elder Holland's talk and was touched to my heart's innermost. 

We are loved by an eternal God.
We are here on this earth with a purpose.
We are here to be happy.
We will be able to live with our families after death in a magnificent place.

Goodness. How very blessed. To hear these words of hope and inspiration and guidance and love is humbling. To have words spoken that tell me just what I need at this time in my life. Those messages of hope are enough to give me hope, an eternal hope. The tears were dripping down my face during President Holland's talk and when he talked about nienie. I feel like I know her and hearing her story from his perspective and hearing how she felt was so inspiring. She is a special soul that touches so many lives. 

I have a job interview on Monday. A peer interview where they ask me behavioral type questions. I'm a little nervous, but the more I talk to my Dad and hear conference the less nervous I am. I know it will be fine and if it's supposed to work out, it will. I tell ya what though, I loose it fast when I don't work. But I pick it up and get back in there and surprise myself every time. I looked through my blog and read every past post about 'nursing.' It was entertaining and introspective and makes me grateful I write things down. I felt grateful for my past as I read through those posts and also very grateful for my present. 

It was in the 90's today as it is every day. I wouldn't mind if it cooled down a little. I actually have a bad case of fall fever. Goodness, can't it come?! Can't I wear a sweater?! Can't I put Jude in his jeans and adorable button-up shirts?! Someone told me it will cool down in January. I didn't like that idea. 

Dan is a happy camper. He is enjoying school so much. It is just wonderful. He is doing well and might have gotten a 100% on his practical. Oh, that boy! I'm so happy he is happy. He is like, a different person that a year ago at this time! I like this guy. Jude adores him. "Da-E-Go!" Dan is always leaving for school, so Jude has gotten in the habit of always saying "Daddy go!" even when Dan is not going, like in prayers. It is adorable and hilarious. And every time we say a prayer together... (he repeats the last word of the sentence) and I say "I'm thankful for mommy.... say Mommy" he gets a big grin on his face and says "mom mom mom" and my heart melts. I love him 
so much.
He is perfection in human form and I am the absolute luckiest to be the only person on Earth who gets to be his mom. I am the recipient of that amazing, incredible love. It feels good.

Today, let's just be grateful. For wherever we are in life. Even though we wish this trial has passed already, it hasn't. That's okay. It will. Let's just be content. And move forward with faith. And remember these beautiful words from the General Relief Society meeting that were for me. (And maybe you, too;))

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