Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A little easier... maybe.

It's getting easier! Yay.

If I could have had a more experienced mother say any one thing to me as a new, frazzled
mother-of-a-newborn, it would have been...

"It will get easier."

One to starts to feel a little hopeless at moments of exhaustion, sleep deprivation, lactation issues, crying baby, etc. But I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it, get in the jive a little bit... meaning, showering regularly, applying make-up more than once a week, making dinner (I'm on my third night in a row, thank you very much...), cleaning at least one thing every day, etc. It feels good. :)

If I ever feel discouraged I just think... it doesn't matter if I do any of those things (above)... I am taking care of my sweet baby! I am nourishing his life and his soul and he loves me (best feeling ever). I am single-handedly sustaining his life, physical growth, and nourishment. And it's working! He's gaining weight and chunky to boot (other best feeling ever)! I am his mother.

So I'm feeling pretty good about it. Not to mention, I purposefully exercised for the first time since Jude arrived today. I did the Calorie Busting Party on Netflix. It was the cheesiest. They always have to have the token thicker person doing the work-out so us normal people don't feel bad about ourselves. Theirs was, of course, the chunky red-headed girl in the back corner. We were kindred spirits. Except she looked good and knew what she was doing. I was all alone in the living room and I was literally embarrassed at how uncoordinated and ridiculous I looked. I knew I did. I checked during a couple moves in the mirror and I was right.

But I did it. All 45 minutes. Go me. 15 pounds to go. 

And of course a picture of Jude, I know that's all you really want to see. :)


  1. He's such a cutie! I bet you're an amazing mother, what a lucky boy! :)

  2. Oh honey....and you have learned the essence of being a mother in less than 2 months! It does get easier and so rewarding to witness every accomplishment of your precious child from his little smile of acknowledgement of you to graduating from college, temple marriage and bearing the most beautiful child these grandparents could have ever dreamt of. You are now grasping the joy you have filled our hearts with all of your life. What a wonderful privilege to observe you and Dan as you taste the delicious and completely satisfying experience of loving someone more than you ever thought possible.

    Love, Mama & Daddy

  3. Your Mom's comment is sweet! I was just on the phone with my Mom (who is jealous of YOUR Mom) the other day & we both had to talk for a little bit about how sweet & darling Jude is. He just has the sweetest little face! You should forget the Netflix workout and next time Ash, Megan and I should come over and we can wear ridiculous things and hyphy. In the middle of winter, with our door wide open in our.... I'm sure the WORLD thought we were crazy. Thank heavens we grew up, a little. You're the best my dear! Such a good Mommy.
