Monday, October 3, 2011

twenty-eight weeks

dad, mama, and baby are doing fabulous! little dan is growing so much and getting stronger and stronger. mama is loving her H&M maternity jeans (highly recommended). daddy is loving football season. and baby is loving when daddy plays with him (poking, proding, etc). we are a happy family!

pardon my fuzzy camera. the lens got a little scratched as the lens cover worked it's way off while in my purse of a long day of travelling.. so now all our pictures have a fuzzball in the middle. will most definitely be needed a new lens before baby comes!


  1. Hey, just checking in to say hi and a big fat CONGRATULATIONS to the parents-to-be! You are pretty cute with that little/big belly of yours!

  2. Happy you're doing well! Name yet? Or is it a surprise?

  3. We have a couple name ideas in mind but are keeping them quiet until the baby arrives! We are not sure yet so we are going to wait until we see him and hopefully we will "just know..." So yes, a surprise!
