Wednesday, April 24, 2013

just a really good day overall.

There seem to be a couple requirements for what I consider a good day...

I feel rested.

Jude eats &sleeps well.

Check to both of those! I indulged myself in a lovely little afternoon nap underneath my gingham lime green blanky with the light shining in on my through the window, with my baby Jude sleeping soundly next door (for his third-day-in-a-row THREE HOURS NAP... cue fireworks) and my baby Dan sleeping soundly on the other next door.

I didn't over eat. And ate pretty healthy, too.

The house was clean.

I read my spiritual enlightenment, The Miracle of Forgiveness, in the afternoon (as opposed to 11:00 pm fighting tired eyes).

I feel peaceful &excited about the big decision we made &are moving forward with.

My brother got his accounting externship with a BIG FOUR company!

We saw the bunny (BUBBBBA!!!) outback this morning and excitedly watched his little white tail hop away into the woods.

Jude and I played outside for over an hour and enjoyed the slowly setting sun, the cool breeze, every dog in the neighborhood, marvelled at the cows for a good ten minutes from about 15 feet away, and went on a marvelous little walk through some woods nearby along a stream.

I have felt inspired and creative today, especially when we pulled out the GLITTER SIDEWALK CHALK!!!!!!!

I can honestly say I savored every moment with my little 21-pound companion today. I didn't once wish it was nap or bed time already. I didn't tense up my face &widen my eyes in frustration as he poured his entire lunch on the ground. I was actually not once short or impatient with anyone I came in contact with! WAHOO!!!! This is due to the healing power of the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He heals all wounds. He brings peace to my heart. He turns weaknesses into strengths. He fills me with hope and joy.

What I learned: The quality of my day does not depend on what I accomplish as far as my To Do List goes, but when I let go of my worry and just savor these beautiful little moments in life.

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