Friday, February 22, 2013

the "fort-fanoogen"

Valentine's Day week tradition. It was a magical little place.

It is amazing to see the world in all its wonder through these little eyes. He is perfect.


  1. HoW FuN!!!! Oh how I wish we could visit Jude's little Fort! Enjoy those sweet and magical moments!!! We love you so!

  2. What are those delightful mint green chairs?!?!? Love them. You seem to be a pro-fort maker, Rachy. XO

    1. Some sweet Southern girl GAVE them to us after the tornado!! They are beautiful designer chairs! (I looked them up online) I am yet to see your new couch (besides a tiny sneak peek)... I am yet to post pictures of my living room! (That now will never be finished since we are moving soon... oh goodness)

  3. um okay Jude has curly hair?! SOO cute! I miss you!
