We treated Jude's jaundice with an intense feeding regimen and he is all better! Thank goodness. :) Mary, my lactation consultant, was right when she said we'd have a new baby by the weekend. He is so much more awake and alert now. It's more work but also so much more fun. We had another consultation yesterday and he is up to 9 pounds 1 ounce! You go baby. I absolutely idolize my lactation consultant. She is an angel on earth. The best news of all... he is breastfeeding again! We are still adjusting and figuring it out. But I am soo happy (understatement). Pumping every two to three hours gets old. But the real reason is because I want to breastfeed! Not only is it more convenient, it's important to me. It is the way God meant for us to be and I want that special bond with my sweet baby.
We had his two week appointment with the pediatrician today. She said "keep doing whatever you're doing because you're doing a great job." She said he looked great and healthy. She was impressed that he has gained so much weight and said now we can let him wake us up at night instead of waking him up every three hours to eat. Woah! This is a major landmark.
We love our boy. I wish I could figure out a stronger word than love. It feels like so much more than I could never explain in words. He is getting to be more fun every day. We are just so entertained by his hilarious faces and his eternal cuteness. He makes life so much more fun and full. I love always having him with me. I wish we could sleep together and cuddle all night. I just adore my two boys. Dan is such a sweet father. It has been so nice having him be off school for Christmas because we just get to be together every day!
Dan's mom just landed at the Birmingham airport... Jude is excited to meet his other Grandma!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
merry christmas!
We have had a lovely first Christmas together! Just us three. :)
Clam chowder, king crab legs, and sushi for Christmas Eve dinner |
Cuddle time :) |
My two handsome boys |
Jude's Plastibell came off on Christmas.Now that's a good Christmas present! |
Ohhh, I'm in love with those lips, double chin, and arm rolls! We just can't get over his cuteness at bath time. |
Merry Christmas!
Dan, Rachael, and Jude
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday evening:
I didn't know breastfeeding would be the most exhausting full-time job ever. Regular old hospital nursing has nothing on baby nursing! I am supposed to feed him every 2-3 hours since I am exclusively breast feeding. That is a lot! The past day has been especially exhausting. He would not eat and I couldn't figure out why. He was either so, so fussy and hysterical when I tried to feed him and I would eventually have to feed him breast milk out of a bottle or he would be so tired and lethargic-like that I couldn't wake him up for long enough to eat. So we just thought, "Oh, he must be full." He was showing signs of contentment and no signs of hunger. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and why he wasn't feeding. It would take me at least an hour for him to eat five minutes. That can be exhausting at 3:00 in the morning when all you want is for your baby to eat and be happy. He is the absolutely sweetest baby in the whole world. I just die over his lips and little chin. Every time I see him it's like the first time. It takes my breath away and I just can't get close enough to him.
I didn't know breastfeeding would be the most exhausting full-time job ever. Regular old hospital nursing has nothing on baby nursing! I am supposed to feed him every 2-3 hours since I am exclusively breast feeding. That is a lot! The past day has been especially exhausting. He would not eat and I couldn't figure out why. He was either so, so fussy and hysterical when I tried to feed him and I would eventually have to feed him breast milk out of a bottle or he would be so tired and lethargic-like that I couldn't wake him up for long enough to eat. So we just thought, "Oh, he must be full." He was showing signs of contentment and no signs of hunger. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and why he wasn't feeding. It would take me at least an hour for him to eat five minutes. That can be exhausting at 3:00 in the morning when all you want is for your baby to eat and be happy. He is the absolutely sweetest baby in the whole world. I just die over his lips and little chin. Every time I see him it's like the first time. It takes my breath away and I just can't get close enough to him.
We had an appointment with the lactation specialist today at 1:30 as a follow-up that all new moms do. (Thank goodness for lactation specialist! They have my heart.) We waited for what seemed like hours but I didn't mind because I knew I would need a lot of time, too. I brought his "diaper diary" and my list of questions, so hopeful for help and some sort of answers. I had been doing everything I knew how. She saw him and within 60 seconds she knew he had jaundice. He also lost about 4 oz since Saturday. Newborns livers aren't fully developed so they have a hard time digesting bilirubin. She described jaundice as one big sleeping pill. They need to eat, like, twice as much as more frequently. If they go too long they get too hungry and too exhausted to breastfeed because it's too much work. So I was trying to feed him but by that time he was starving because he wasn't getting enough food. So I would try to breastfeed him and he would cry and cry and fight and I couldn't figure out why. It was because he was so starving he just needed food now and he was too hungry to get the tiny little squirts from breastfeeding. At that point he just needed food right away. And that is what will make his jaundice better. Three or four days of feeding him no more than ten minutes of breast feeding (so he doesn't get too tired) and then at least 75 ml of breast milk.
I was so relieved and also felt so bad that he was so hungry and I didn't know. I felt so bad that my sweet little baby wasn't getting what he needed. I was so relieved that now I had answers and knew what was wrong. I felt relieved and empowered that I knew how to help him.
The plan is to feed him no later than every 3 hours. No more than ten minutes of nursing so he doesn't get tired and worn out and then at least 75 ml of breast milk after that. She said the plan is guaranteed to work.
Wednesday morning update:
We have been feeding him like crazy and he is doing so much better! No more hysterical crying fits and he is hardly ever really lethargic acting. He seems so content and happy after he eats. Luckily I have been producing enough milk so he hasn't had to have formula to get to his 75 ml. Mary said he should be feeling better within a few days and will be "a new baby." I feel like a new woman now that I know what to do for him and now that he is feeling better!
We have an appointment with the pediatrician and a baby weigh-in today with the lactation specialist so we'll see if he's gained weight! I love him. I love him. I LOVE HIM!!
The plan is to feed him no later than every 3 hours. No more than ten minutes of nursing so he doesn't get tired and worn out and then at least 75 ml of breast milk after that. She said the plan is guaranteed to work.
Wednesday morning update:
We have been feeding him like crazy and he is doing so much better! No more hysterical crying fits and he is hardly ever really lethargic acting. He seems so content and happy after he eats. Luckily I have been producing enough milk so he hasn't had to have formula to get to his 75 ml. Mary said he should be feeling better within a few days and will be "a new baby." I feel like a new woman now that I know what to do for him and now that he is feeling better!
We have an appointment with the pediatrician and a baby weigh-in today with the lactation specialist so we'll see if he's gained weight! I love him. I love him. I LOVE HIM!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Jude's first bath
Jude has his first real bath tonight. He did not fuss or cry and was as content as could be! He has such a sweet, mild spirit.
We love our Puj Tub. What a fabulous foreign find. :) |
Mid-lather. It looks curly when its all shnagglerocked. |
Daddy brushed his hair, of course. Like father, like son. |
Such a perfect little part! It melts my heart every time. |
I love his so much it's RIDICULOUS. |
What other newborn has an inch long little tail?! I love it! |
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
birth story
4 cm, 100% effaced and a negative one station.
Dr. Smith checked me again at 1453, I was 8 cm, 100% effaced and at a zero station. We were all started to get so excited... we were getting close!
I perked up and was happy and back to myself. I worked on my baby book and enjoyed being with Dan and my sweet Mama and Papa. My evening shift nurse came in, Lindsey. She was so young. She had only been a nurse for a few months. I loved her. She was sweet and thoughtful. She was nonjudgmental and soft-spoken. Exactly what I needed. Dr. Smith came in at 1700. We thought we would be so close by then... only 8.5 cm. But still closer!
He came back in at 1832 and I was 10 cm, 100% effaced, and at a plus one station. So, so, sooo exciting! You could feel it. I started pushing at 1845. Our baby was on his way! My epidural was just how I had hoped. I could still feel and move my legs. I could lift my hips up and hold my legs. I had the ability to press my epidural button for more medicine as I needed it but I only pressed it a couple times so I could still feel. I could feel each contraction so I knew when to push. I could still feel the pain, it just wasn't unbearable. Lindsey was on one side and Dan on the other. My mom was behind me with the video camera and Dad was trying to keep his distance in the corner on the couch.
Dr Smith came in and said "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to do a C-section so... try to hold off a little bit." He thought that at the rate I was progressing the baby might come before he got back.
HOLD OFF?! It is difficult to hold off. It's painful. Very. So I kept pushing. Occasionally a contraction would come and go and I wouldn't feel it so I wouldn't push. Dan was counting and coaching me through it. He was so calm, supportive, and lighthearted as he always is.
Dr. Smith came in after the C-section and was there to stay. He knew the baby was close and he was encouraging me. This baby was ready to come out! My little boy was so close but just couldn't make the escape. He would make two steps forward and one step back. We decided an episiotomy was in order and literally on the next push... there was our baby!
Our baby.
The most precious, absolutely perfect, healthy, strong, chubby, gorgeous, special, active, angelic, lively little being I had ever witnessed.
The feeling I had when I first saw him is indescribable. I have accepted the fact that I will never be able to find words to express it. It's something I hold in my heart.
I was in complete and utter shock when I saw him. I could not believe how gorgeous he was. I could not believe that this big bump in my belly that was giving me acid reflux was this precious little creature. He was beautiful. Like literally, not a cone-headed funny looking baby.
He was stunning. Perfect.
He was mine. I loved him. I was in love with him. I wanted to hold him and kiss him and feel his soft, slippery skin.
When he very first came out the doctor said in his thick Southern accent, "Heya there big boy!"
So cute.
So cute.
They gave him to the nursery nurse and she did her five thousand little tests on him. I could not take my eyes off him. My eyes were glued to him and I sobbed. I could not stop. I can't describe it besides that I had instantly fallen in love. I watched him on his little warmer, squirming around, crying, making little noises, just laying and looking around, his rolls, his long, wet brownish reddish hair... perfect. Perfect perfected perfection. I was changed forever.
She weighed him right after he was born and he weighed eight pounds. The next day he weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces. Dan had watched her weigh him and he didn't think she zeroed out the scale right. Babies really never gain weight right after they are born, they usually loose so the 8 lb 3 oz weight is probably more accurate! His Apgar scores were eight at one minute and nine at five minutes.
The next few days were a blur of lots of people coming in and out, my sweet friends visiting in the late night and early morning and all throughout the day, the nursery nurses coming in and helping us, not making it to the bathroom, ordering meals and sharing them with Dan, our celebration dinner complete with a bottle of Martinelli's, phone calls, skyping, colostrum, teaching, a Motrin, and lots of oohing and aahing. I didn't change one diaper while I was in the hospital. Thank you nursery nurses and Dan! Although I certainly wouldn't have minded. The lactation consultants were heaven-sent. Although I think everything they said went in one ear and right out the other since I was so overwhelmed and sleep deprived, they helped so much.
Dan slept on the little pull-out couch. I have never seen him so tired in all my life. We were trying to find a ten minute span to talk and think about/choose his name... we couldn't find it. There were too many visitors coming in and things going on; we would get interrupted every time. The medical records lady was hounding us about turning in our paperwork... "We're not ready..." Nevertheless, we settled on a name. It was the name we had always known but I just couldn't commit. Despite being busy and so exhausting, it was a special, magical, unforgettable two days.

I will never forget that feeling I had when I first saw him. I will never forget his fresh little smell. I just couldn't get him close enough. I will never forget how it felt to watch Dan hold him and look at him with such love and tenderness in his eyes. I will never forget the faces of my sweet parents when they first saw him. I will never forget the experience of bringing my precious first born son into this world. I am so thankful I could have that amazing experience and share it with the people who are most important to me. I am so thrilled that I get to be with these two perfect boys not just until we die, but for eternity because we have been sealed together. It was the most indescribably amazing day of my life. Knowing that I get to be with these two boys forever is the best part of my day, every day. It's this love that makes my world go round.
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