Friday, July 30, 2010
cuddly love.
Monday, July 26, 2010
paradise lost. &found!
Friday, July 23, 2010
floras on my feet.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
life is lucious.
okay, i'm trying soo hard to not violate HIPAA here... but there are some things i just MUST share. if you feel that i am violated HIPAA in any way... please notify me so i can quickly delete ¬ be terminated.
quick overview of a couple of my patients:
1. dx: psychosis
[&more medical things that are unrelated at this time]
2. dx: psychosis
did i accidently get a job at a mental health facility and not notice? our hospital is connected [literally, through swinging doors] to a mental health facility. that means when they get medically unstable or anything they decide they don't wan to handle anymore, they send them on over to us.
that means my sweet little job is to change the bed [the entire bed: fitted sheet, draw sheet, green pads, blue pads, diaper, gown, sheet, blanket, abdominal binder] of a 6'2, 200 lb man [#2] who has so sweetly requested orange juice and then decided to stick his thumb through the styrofoam cup so his bed could enjoy the orange juice too... while he is IN the bed? did i mention his arms and feet are tied to the bed and his hands are in mittens? did i mention he is hooked up to an IV and also has a very easily fiddled with tube coming out of his stomach? did i mention he thrashes uncontrollably and grabs at us and yells out things like "sexual harassment!" [while i am so calming trying to check his blood sugar] or "hookers! chinese hookers! black hookers! ugly hookers!" or "one zillion, one zillion, one zillion" [repeated approxiamately one zillion time] or "bomb! bomb! atomic bomb! you gotta get out! there's gonna be a bomb!" [that one was his particular favorite].
my job indeed. stressful. fulfilling.
let me be the first to say i earn my money.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
there is no way to describe the inspiration & awe that color brings to me. just color, something so intricate in our daily lives, but if used right can alter your world and the feelings it puts inside you.
my apartment was constructed in the 1950's. the architecture/design is somewhat puzzling. massive living room& green bean sized hallway kitchen. ceiling fan and light above the kitchen table, no fan/absolutely no lighting in the massive living room. only a miniature window that very insufficiently lights up our little dwelling.
disclaimer: i am not complaining, i am simply planning &dreaming. i love our little place. there is just one things that particularly erks me...
the lack of light. we have two lamps in our living room, yet i am still shocked with the dungeon-esque aspects i encounter when i swing open the door after being out in the light of the sun. there have often been times we have people over &i am frantically turning on every light in the house trying to help the situation, to no avail.
our rexburgian abode had an entire side of the house made simply of windows&doors with beautiful green trees on the other side; i miss miss miss miss MISS. there is something about natural light that ignites my senses. artificial light can not hold... a candle.
the light&color makes me just feel so light & fluffy in the happiest sort of way. we are not in the position to paints the walls of our apartment, we can not bust out any walls and add windows, i am trying to figure out how to brighten my little place.
my current ideas:
:: paint our currently black TV stand red [or something other beautifully bright shade]
:: bright pillows on our brown leather couches
:: prints on the walls, i like these:

Monday, July 12, 2010
nurse robot health nut

it is so sad to see patients like this. a percentage of my patients have extensive medical histories, oftentimes every single disease they suffer from is preventable. [high blood pressure, high cholesterol, COPD, shortness of breath, need for a CPAP/BiPAP because they have an extra one hundred pounds weighing down their lungs, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and a surgical history of double and triple bypasses]. let me clarify: these diseases and ailments are not always preventable, i know that. but in the cases of many, they are.
please evaluate your lifestyle. now is the time to prevent and protect your health. check your blood pressure often, keep it less than 120/80. monitor your weight/BMI. study diseases like diabetes, know the symptoms. be aware of your health so you can recognize symptoms, so you can prevent not treat. be active every day. it is crucially vital to your health. stop eating "manufactured edible products" with enriched white flour and high fructose corn syrup and ingredients you can't even pronounce. eat FOOD. eat foods that are made in a kitchen, not a laboratory. eat fruit. eat chicken. eat fish. eat vegetables. drink water. it is simple if you let it be! please, help yourself.
finishers wanted.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
bear bryant

bear bryant has a .84 win record.
he won 323 games, lost 46 during his 25 year tenure as head coach of university of alabama, starting in 1945.
he led alabama to 6 national championships and 13 conference championships.
he's totally legendary, little did he know he was making history with that houndstooth hat. never looked so good on anybody.